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How To Get Motivated to Workout

How To Get Motivated to Workout - theskinnyfoodco

How To Get Motivated to Workout

We get it, it can be super hard to get yourself motivated to do ANYTHING. But working out? Now that's even harder. There's a lot of movement involved, it can be a big commitment, and especially after a hard days graft the only thing you want to do is chill out at home.

First of all, it's important to know that you deserve a break every once in a while - so don't feel completely disheartened if you're not feeling up to any exercise.

However, if you're finding yourself feeling less motivated than usual, here we have some tips to get you out of that rut and back on the treadmill.

1. Remind Yourself WHY

Always remind yourself why you're exercising in the first place. 

There's no better feeling than achieving the goals you've set for yourself - you got this!

2. Bring some fun into it

Sometimes exercise can be pretty boring, so why not introduce some fun into your regime?

Find some sports or activities that you enjoy and vary your routine to make it interesting. 

Found a new playlist? Stick it on whilst you're working out. Or, if you've started a new Netflix series, why not watch an episode on your iPhone whilst you're on the cross trainer? Just remember to bring your headphones, there's nothing worse than forgetting them.

3. Set a routine

Make a plan of your week. Maybe you'll workout on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays and have the weekend off. Or maybe you'll head to the gym before you start work Monday-Friday?

Find a routine that best suits your schedule, once you have your routine down you'll feel more focused and more productive. 

4. Don't make it difficult

A big reason why people feel less motivated to work out is because you view it as being difficult. So don't overdo it, keep it simple and build your up routine once you've found your groove.  

5. Join forces

Good friends with keep you on the straight and narrow, and their support will help you feel more motivated to workout. 

Friends, family or colleagues can act as your own personal cheering squad - make time for group exercises and say yes if your friend asks you to join the gym with them.

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