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These 7 Small Changes Will Make A Big Impact On Your Wellbeing

As we’re in the first week of 2019, you might have just kickstarted a new healthy regime or sworn yourself off of all things bad, but here at The Skinny Food Co, we know that the all-in approach doesn’t always go to plan. So, if you’re looking to start small, here are some pointers so that you can make the kind of changes that will have a big impact on your health and wellbeing!

1. Start reading labels

Sometimes, you may fall victim of thinking you’re making healthy choices, but actually ending up being misled. To avoid this, be sure to take the time to read labels so you can be sure you are actually fuelling your body with the nutrients you really need.

2. Give your fridge/freezer/cupboards a makeover

If you’re looking to cut back on a certain food, take away the temptation. We can all be guilty of over-indulging from time to time, so if you find yourself making unnecessary trips to the fridge and snacking on foods you don’t really need, cut them out of the equation and keep them out of the house. If you fill your kitchen with healthy foods and drinks, when you do find yourself snacking, you’ll be reaching for the bananas rather than the biscuits!

3. Find the type of exercise that you truly enjoy

Exercise really doesn’t need a become a chore. Find what you love and stick to it. Whether you enjoy walking your dog each day, dancing around the room for 20 minutes or swimming some lengths, if it works for you, stick at it! Of course, variety can be good, but no one knows or understands your body better than you. So, when you find your groove, enjoy it!

4. Get enough sleep

Lack of sleep can have a huge impact on your overall wellbeing. When it comes to getting your sleep schedule in tune, there are no quick fixes but when you do, it can be seriously beneficial to your health, so try your best to get in 7-8 hours each night!

5. Ensure you enjoy some downtime

When life gets busy, we can all be guilty of taking on too much. For the importance of your wellbeing, you really should enjoy some well-deserved me time when you get the chance. Even if it’s just taking a few minutes to switch off each day, or enjoy an episode of your favourite program, It’s good just to do ‘nothing’ for a little while.

6. Don’t skip meals

For the sake of your wellbeing, you need to keep your mind and body fuelled, this means no skipping meals. By eating at regular intervals, you’ll be fuelling your body with the nutrients it needs, as well as avoiding reaching for unhealthy choices when you’re over hungry. So, plan ahead and make mealtimes an occasion!

7. Drink more

Old, but gold. Drink more, unfortunately, we’re not referring to your favourite tipple, we mean water. Aim for at least 2 litres of water each day, if you struggle with this, try buying a snazzy new water bottle to help you to up your intake!

If you take these straightforward tips on board, let us know on our social media! Use the hashtag #SkinnyFoodCo and let us know what you’re doing to improve your well-being in 2019.



These 7 Small Changes Will Make A Big Impact On Your Wellbeing As we’re in the first week of 2019, you might have just kickstarted a new healthy regime or sworn yourself off of all things bad, but here at Skinny Food Co, we know that the all-in approach doesn’t always go to plan. So, if you’re looking to start small, here are some pointers so that you can make the kind of changes that will have a big impact on your health and wellbeing! 1. Start reading labels Sometimes, you may fall victim of thinking you’re making healthy choices, but actually ending up being misled. To avoid this, be sure to take the time to read labels so you can be sure you are actually fuelling your body with the nutrients you really need. 2. Give your fridge/freezer/cupboards a makeover If you’re looking to cut back on a certain food, take away the temptation. We can all be guilty of over-indulging from time to time, so if you find yourself making unnecessary trips to the fridge and snacking on foods you don’t really need, cut them out of the equation and keep them out of the house. If you fill your kitchen with healthy foods and drinks, when you do find yourself snacking, you’ll be reaching for the bananas rather than the biscuits! 3. Find the type of exercise that you truly enjoy Exercise really doesn’t need a become a chore. Find what you love and stick to it. Whether you enjoy walking your dog each day, dancing around the room for 20 minutes or swimming some lengths, if it works for you, stick at it! Of course, variety can be good, but no one knows or understands your body better than you. So, when you find your groove, enjoy it! 4. Get enough sleep Lack of sleep can have a huge impact on your overall wellbeing. When it comes to getting your sleep schedule in tune, there are no quick fixes but when you do, it can be seriously beneficial to your health, so try your best to get in 7-8 hours each night! 5. Ensure you enjoy some downtime When life gets busy, we can all be guilty of taking on too much. For the importance of your wellbeing, you really should enjoy some well-deserved me time when you get the chance. Even if it’s just taking a few minutes to switch off each day, or enjoy an episode of your favourite program, It’s good just to do ‘nothing’ for a little while. 6. Don’t skip meals For the sake of your wellbeing, you need to keep your mind and body fuelled, this means no skipping meals. By eating at regular intervals, you’ll be fuelling your body with the nutrients it needs, as well as avoiding reaching for unhealthy choices when you’re over hungry. So, plan ahead and make mealtimes an occasion! 7. Drink more Old, but gold. Drink more, unfortunately, we’re not referring to your favourite tipple, we mean water. Aim for at least 2 litres of water each day, if you struggle with this, try buying a snazzy new water bottle to help you to up your intake! If you take these straightforward tips on board, let us know on our social media! Use the hashtag #SkinnyFoodCo and let us know what you’re doing to improve your well-being in 2019.


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