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5 Steps to Mental Wellbeing

5 Steps to Mental Wellbeing - theskinnyfoodco

5 Steps to Mental Wellbeing

Your mental health and wellbeing is just as important as your physical health - here we explore 5 steps to Mental Wellbeing. 

What does Mental Wellbeing actually mean? 

Mental Wellbeing is the 'state of wellbeing in which every individual realises their own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to their community'.

Our Mental Health and Wellbeing affects how we think, feel, and act. It also dictates how we handle stress, make healthy choice, and relate to other.

Why is Mental Wellbeing important?

Positive mental health and wellbeing enables you to function well in everyday life, cope with ups and down and have meaningful social connections. Over time, staying on top of our mental wellbeing can also reduce our risk of physical health problems. 

Our mental healthy and wellbeing is something we should think about all the time and continuously invest in, just like we treat our physical health.

5 Steps to Mental Wellbeing

1. Connect

Connect with other people, good relationships are important for your mental wellbeing. Strong relationships can help you to build a sense of belonging, provide opportunities to share positive experiences and also provide emotional support in order to support others.

You should also:

  • Spend time with family, perhaps arrange meal times together
  • Stay in touch with family and friends via online software's such as FaceTime or Zoom
  • Arrange a day out with friends and with colleagues
  • Try switching of the TV and talk to others
  • Search for Online Community apps

2. Learn a New Skill

Pick up a new hobby, or learn a new skill in something you're interested in. Even if you feel like you don't have enough time in the day, try and dedicate 15-30 minutes to your new hobby each day.

Learning as new skill can improve your mental wellbeing by boosting self-confidence, helping you to connect with others who may be interested in the same activity, and helping you to build a sense of purpose.

New skills could include:

  • Learning a different language
  • Learning to play an instrument
  • Painting or DIY projects
  • Baking or Cooking
  • Starting an online course
  • Writing a blog

3. Get Up and Go

Going outside for a brisk walk, a jog or even working out at home. Being active is not only great for your physical health but also your mental health and wellbeing by helping you set goals and achieve them, and causing chemical changes in your brain which can help to positively change your mood.

Try and find activities to help you get fit, seek out some home exercises to implement into your routine, join and fitness centre, join some gym classes or online classes, or you could even take up a sport such as swimming and cycling.

4. Be Mindful

Paying more attention to the present moment can improve your mental wellbeing. This includes your thoughts, feelings, your body and the world around you.

This awareness is classed as 'mindfulness' - which can help you enjoy life and your surroundings. It can positively impact how you perceive life and change the way you feel about life and how you approach challenges.

Read more about Mindfulness in our Mindfulness: What Is It? blog. (insert our blog.

5. Be Giving

Research suggests that acts of kindness can improve mental wellbeing by creating a positive sense of self and sense of reward, giving you a feeling of purpose and also connecting with others.

Acts of kindness could be:

  • Small acts of kindness such as saying thank you to someone and how much you appreciate what they have done for you
  • Checking in on loved ones and friends and listening to them
  • Offering your assistance to someone who needs help
  • Volunteering and donating to charitable causes


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