The Skinny Food Co Customer Review: EP: 9 Sarah

These stories reflect individual customer experiences and the views expressed in the reviews are not those of the company.
The Skinny Food Co Customer Review: EP 9 Sarah
This is Sarah! She has had an incredible journey that we just had to share with all of our followers! Since starting her journey 6 years ago, firstly following slimming world for 8 months before switching to WW (weight watchers) she has lost an insane 18 stone, going from dress sizes 34-36 to 10-12. By currently following the WW green plan, Sarah can still enjoy our products as they enable her to continue to enjoy the food she loves whilst sticking to her diet plans! Losing over 250lb and maintaining this over the past 3 years is an incredible achievement and we're so glad Sarah wanted to share this story with is!
Why did you chose Skinny Food Co products?
I chose Skinny food Co products to add variety and flavour without having to use a lot of smart points.
Smart points are the counting system using by Weight Watchers to help people monitor what they consume, all based on nutrition and macros like carbs. Foods that are higher in sugar and fat are higher in smart points, and leaner foods are lower. For example, our Skinny Custard is 0 smart points - a great way to get your sugar fix!
How have they helped you?
I have used the barista sugar free syrups to stew fruit for a 0sp snack. The barista creamers in coffee. The syrups on fruit, yoghurt, porridge, mug cakes and on baked oats. I have also used the maple syrup and golden syrup on pancakes with chicken and bacon, so good. I take the jams out when I go out for breakfast; they taste amazing and save me smart points. A normal jam portion is 5sp skinny food co jam portion is 0sp.
What is it about our products that you love?
The skinny food co products taste great add flavour and are either 0 smartpoints or low in points - this leaves me more points to use on foods that I love and that will keep me on track.
Would you recommend us?
I would and do recommend the skinny food co products. I post my daily food on YouTube and use their products a lot.
Your favourite product
I have 2 favourite products, the Jams and I love the custard flavoured syrup.
You can continue following Sarah's incredible journey over on her Instagram page - @kiacsa and you can shop all of her favourite products over on our website!
If you have a customer revewis to share - it can be anything from fitness, please get in touch via our social media accounts! We absolutely love to hear how our products help!