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Staying Healthy During Lockdown: Mind, Body and Soul

Staying Healthy During Lockdown: Mind, Body and Soul - theskinnyfoodco

Staying Healthy During Lockdown:

Mind, Body and Soul

I think that the fundamental truth that has come crashing down on us all is the importance of closeness and remaining kind to one another during a time of crisis.

At the Skinny Food Co, we have been able to work from home for the last two weeks and those days have not been easy on us. While getting to spend time with our loved ones has been brilliant, it is important not to lose sight of our company’s core values and assets which we all possess.

Staying healthy is an incredible feat during the COVID-19 pandemic which has swept the world, almost overnight. We have come up with a few, hopefully helpful, tips of how to keep your body healthy, your mind at ease, and your soul at rest.

Firstly, remain hydrated! It’s easy to forget to drink water while you stay at home, or perhaps exchange it for something fizzy and sugary to curb a craving. To help with this, we have recently introduced new 0 Calorie Sugar Free Vitamin and Electrolyte Drinks which come in two delicious flavours, Mixed Berry and Tropical. Adding these to your daily water intake will mean that you stay hydrated, without compromising your daily vitamin intake your body craves during this time of restrictions, isolations and budgeting. For those of you preferring a sweeter alternative, cast your attention to our Low Calories and Meal Replacement Drinks which come in equally appetising flavours: Chocolate and Strawberry Sundaes.

Secondly, make sure you eat plenty of healthy and balanced meals, even during isolation! Even though we are working from home where our kitchen is closer than ever, I find that eating during the day becomes difficult when I am in work mode, and while the temptation to snack on something unhealthy is ever-present, this would not be as prominent if I choose to eat balanced meals more often. I commend our essential workers who are out there, continuing their daily roles on the outside and the Skinny Food Co could not be prouder to be part of your daily food routine, so, thank you. We offer both sweet and savoury condiments for your daily meals; breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks in between. Our latest newcomer on the website is the Sriracha Hot Sauce, which you can read about in the previous blog post.

I find that making batch meals is most helpful now, for both myself and my partner. A stir fry can go a long way when planning meals and is a healthier alternative to something which we would have made earlier on this year. Of course, going out to eat is not possible for the foreseeable future, which is how our brand can help a lot of families who are struggling to come up with something exciting and new to cook for themselves and some little ones. Why not visit our Instagram page and possibly give us a follow? We are consistent with posting many delicious recipes thought up and made by our very own loyal customers going through this pandemic alongside us.

Stay active… indoors! Avid gym goers understand the struggle of needing to remain indoors and trying to keep up with their fitness routines. If you are lucky enough to have a back garden, please take advantage of the weather to spend some time there, and maybe attempt some exercise outdoors. We have reintroduced the Dumbbell Bottles ranging from 710ml to 2.2 litres in two different colours: black and pink. Stay at ease knowing that you can do some light to moderate lifting while staying hydrated and let that lift your spirits and mood! For those of us without an access to a garden, this also applies! Do a workout on the floor if you have the time and the energy; great for both mind and body alike.

Finally, please remain calm and mindful of one another. I have already mentioned the importance of our essential workers and the gratitude myself and my colleagues feel regarding the potential sacrifices they made to better our lives. I completely understand that sometimes, we can feel suffocated and sad about the upcoming future and the uncertainty of this all. This is certainly all temporary, however scary it feels. It is fundamental to remain close to each other, appreciate the small things and accept that soon enough, we will get through this together, rather than divided.

Thank you for reading, I can’t wait to check in with you all again soon!


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