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Half Of People With Diabetes Don’t Know They Have It

We’ve all heard about Diabetes, but we don’t necessarily understand it, that’s why we’re on hand to help you to do exactly that…

Last month, WHO (World Health Organisation) revealed that 50% of people living with diabetes are unaware that they have it, a pretty scary statistic! In the UK alone, more than 500,000 have Type 2 diabetes but don’t know it, according to Diabetes UK. Because of this statistic, they are encouraging those that fall into the risk category to see their doctor for a simple test.

Type 2 diabetes is directly linked with how we fuel our body, so if you think you might be a risk of having or developing diabetes, it is super important that you are mindful of how you are fuelling your body, and what you’re doing to improve your overall health and wellbeing. 

We’re here to help you understand Diabetes a little better. There are a variety of factors that can put you at higher risk of Type 2 diabetes, these include: 

  • If you are overweight or have a large waist (above 37 inches for men, and above 31.5 inches for women)
  • If you are over the age of 40
  • If there is a history of diabetes within your family

Some people can remain undiagnosed for up to twelve years, so if you fall within these risk factors, it is most definitely worth booking an appointment with your GP, even if it is just for peace of mind.

With early diagnosis and responsible management when it comes to diabetes, sufferers can significantly reduce the risk of diabetic complications including kidney damage, heart disease and blindness.

We understand that the daunting prospect of potential suffering from Type 2 diabetes is a lot to take in, however, if it goes undiagnosed, it can have detrimental effects on your health. If you do go for a test, it will be a short and straightforward process. In order to test for Type 2 diabetes, your blood will be drawn and may be tested for the following: 

  • Glycated haemoglobin (A1C) test
  • Random blood sugar test
  • Fasting blood sugar test
  • Oral glucose tolerance test

Following the test, if you are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes there are a number of effective management methods you may be advised to try out. These include:

  • Healthy eating
  • Regular exercise
  • Diabetes medication or insulin therapy (only in some cases)
  • Regular blood sugar monitoring

Of course, even if you aren’t diagnosed with Diabetes, but still fall within the categories of those at higher risk, it’s a good idea to watch what you’re eating and exercise regularly so that you can reduce the risk of a potential diagnosis in the future.

We have been very fortunate to be of assistance to lots of people living with diabetes and our products are suitable for diabetic.

Be sure to check out previous and future blogs for plenty of healthy living tips and tricks so that you can look after your health and wellbeing. Follow us on Instagram or Like us on Facebook to become part of our super friendly and health conscious community. Here’s to a healthier, happier lifestyle in 2019 and beyond! 


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