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Spooky Food Facts to Haunt Your Halloween

Spooky Food Facts to Haunt Your Halloween - theskinnyfoodco

31st October is approaching fast, and we’re all excited about Halloween costumes, pumpkin carving ideas, frightening decorations, and tasty treats!

But have you ever thought about the chilling tales behind some of your favourite snacks?

Read on to discover food facts that will send shivers down your spine!

Spooky food facts

Turnips - The Original Jack O Lantern!

Part of the fun of Halloween is going to the local pumpkin patch, choosing your favourite pumpkin, carving it into a spooky design, and adding a flickering candle. 

But did you know the tradition of carving vegetables dates back to the ancient Celts? They carved turnips and put embers inside to ward off evil spirits! 


These days, pumpkins are more readily available (and much easier to carve!)

Ketchup - The Bloody Truth

In the 1800s, ketchup wasn’t made from tomatoes at all - it was cooked using fermented fish guts!

Known as kê-tsiap in native China, the fishy sauce eventually evolved into the tomato-based condiment we all love today. 

So when you add some tomato sauce or garlic ketchup to your Halloween fries, remember its ghoulish origins!

The Mummy’s Favourite Snack

Ancient Egyptians didn’t go trick-or-treating, but they certainly had a sweet tooth. 

Archaeologists have found honey in Egyptian tombs that’s over 3,000 years old and still edible! Thanks to its low moisture content and high acidity, honey never goes off. 

If you felt brave, you could taste the same honey intended to feed a pharaoh in the afterlife!

Poisonous Potatoes

Those humble spuds in your food cupboard have a sinister side! 

When exposed to light, they can produce a toxic compound called solanine. The telltale sign is green patches on the skin. 

So be sure to keep those potatoes in the dark, or you might unleash their inner monster!

The Vampire’s Veggie

Garlic is said to ward off vampires, but it has some truly bloodthirsty properties of its own. 

When crushed, garlic produces allicin, a natural blood thinner. It’s so potent that many doctors say you should stop eating garlic a few weeks before surgery to prevent excessive bleeding!

Who knew this vampire-slaying bulb had such a taste for blood?!

The Fruit That Cries Blood

With its scaly exterior, the dragon fruit already looks like something you might find growing in a monster’s garden. 

But some varieties go even further - when cut open, they “bleed” a deep red juice that looks remarkably like blood!

This rare dragon fruit (red dragon fruit or pitaya) gets its colour from the same pigment found in beets. 

It’s a delicious treat, but slicing into one might leave you feeling like a vampire having breakfast!

Whether you’re taking the kids out trick-or-treating, serving up a Halloween feast, or throwing a Halloween party, be sure to keep these spooky food facts in mind. 

Happy haunting, and bon appétit… if you dare!


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