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Random Acts of Kindness Day

Random Acts of Kindness Day - theskinnyfoodco

Random Acts of Kindness Day

17th February was Random Act of Kindness Day, a day to celebrate and encourage positive actions to benefit others. We couldn't think of a better day!

Since the start of the pandemic, lots of people have suffered with their mental health. We have had to experience isolation, being away from our family and friends and have been unable to do a lot of the things we love and make us happy. This is why it is so important to look after ourselves and also look out for others where we can safely. 

Therefore the Skinny Food Co team thought it would be a great idea to share with you different ways that you could surprise someone with a random act of kindness :)

We contacted all of our staff to see what they would do as their random act of kindness and here were some of their suggestions ...

  • Asking your co worker if they're ok
  • Donate to a charity
  • Leave a bunch of flowers on a friend's doorstep 
  • Make your colleague a cuppa without them asking
  • Donating food to a food bank 
  • Sending a text just to say 'I love you'
  • Putting a care package together of someone's favourite things and sending it to them
  • Spontaneously video call a loved one
  • Write a happy quote in chalk on the pavement so that it puts a smile on someone's face for whoever may walk by
  • Paint a pebble with a picture and leave it somewhere for someone to find
  • Donate old clothes and toys to charity
  • Give a big hug to someone in your household
  • Cook a lovely meal for your partner 
  • Place a sticky note with kind words in a cupboard for someone in your household to find
  • Run your partner a nice bubble bath
  • Put on your favourite music and get everyone in your house to dance
  • Have a laughing contest - start randomly laughing and see how infectious it is! Once you start you can't stop and it can really lift someone's mood!
  • Hold the door open for someone
  • When getting your take away coffee, pay for the person's coffee behind you in the queue

Just remember to make sure your random act of kindness is doable and you don't put any added pressure on yourself unnecessarily. Often the best acts of kindness are the ones we are able to give for free and come from our heart. 

Sending love to all of you during this pandemic! Stay safe! 

Love from everyone at the Skinny Food Co x 



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