Best Workouts To Do At Home

Best Workouts To Do At Home
Since Coivd-19 hit, a lot of us have had to adapt our lifestyles - a big part of that is bringing a lot of our usual daily activities to our home environments.
Many people have found a new comfort in this, such as working from home, date nights at home and even working out at home.
Although gyms have reopened, we've seen a lot of people continue to work out from the comfort of their own homes. This may be due to affordability of having a home gym, and comfortability around their new exercise routine.
We've compiled a list of the best workouts to do at home to help nail your exercise routine and achieve your fitness goals.
Please note that the following exercises require an exercise mat and lots of space so you can do your thing.
1. Squats
This can range from air squats, step squats, sumo squats and even weighted squats if you have the equipment. If you don't have any weights, grab a bottle of washing detergent (but make sure the lid is screwed on tight).
2. Lunges
Lunges can range from front lunges, back lunges or side lunges. Again, you can also use weights whilst lunging. For a more intermediate workout, try jump lunges.
3. Push ups
Push ups act as a full body workout, all your muscles are essentially working together. If you're struggling to do a regular push ups, drop to your needs for assistance.
4. Plank
A truly effective core workout that can be done just about anywhere, and yes - we know how excruciating planks can be but the outcome is so worth it.
5. Mountain Climbers
Through this exercise you can build strength and stamina. Try them at different paces, or you can build up the pace and start off slow.